若いクラリネット奏者のABC 第1巻
L'ABC du Jeune Clarinettiste Volume 1
作曲家:G. ダンガン(Guy Dangain)
出版社:Gerard Billaudot
出版番号:GB1707 1
■ Fingering Chart for Clarinet
■ The Clarinet Family
■ The ABC of the Young Clarinettist
■ Position for the Beginner Clarinetiste
■ The Hand(s)-The Fingers
■ Mouthpiece Position
■ Lesson 1 Left Hand (Mi - Re - Do)
■ Lesson 2 Left Hand (Do - Re - Mi - Fa - Sol)
■ Lesson 3 Left Hand (Do - Re - Mi - Fa - Sol - La)
■ Lesson 4 Right Hand (Do - Si - La - Sol)
■ Lesson 5 Right Hand (Do - Si -La - Sol - Fa -Mi)
■ Lesson 6 Right Hand (La - Sol - Fa -Mi -Re -Do - Si - La - Sol - Fa -Mi)
■ Lesson 7 Playing 12th
■ Lesson 8 Playing 12th (Si - Do - Re - Mi - Fa - Sol)
■ Lesson 9 Playing 12th (Sol - La - Si - Do)
■ Lesson 10 Crossing the Break B - A - B (Si - La - Si)
■ Lesson 11 Articulation
■ Lesson 12 Nuance
■ Lesson 13 C Major
■ Divertimento KV213 (Mozart)
■ Duo (Dubois)
■ Duo (Dubois)
■ Duo (Dubois)
■ Lesson 14 F Major
■ Allegretto KV32 (Mozart)
■ Duo (Dubois)
■ Duo (Dubois)
■ Lesson 15 G Major
■ Divertimento KV12 (Mozrt)
■ Duo (Dubois)
ギィ・ダンガン監修の若いクラリネット奏者のABC 第1巻です。